How to Ride a Dragon in Minecraft Pocket Edition

how to tame a dragon in minecraft This is a topic that many people are looking for. is a channel providing useful information about learning, life, digital marketing and online courses …. it will help you have an overview and solid multi-faceted knowledge . Today, would like to introduce to you How To Tame a Ender Dragon in Minecraft Pocket Edition (Ride Dragon Addon). Following along are instructions in the video below:
We go guys. We are writing the enderdragon in minecraft music. Hey.
Whats up up guys double a twelve year and welcome back to another awesome minecraft pocket edition. For you guys today today guys. I have something absolutely awesome and absolutely insane to showcase to you guys today but right before we get started todays crazy awesome minecraft pocket edition video.
If you guys just do me a favor and you guys see that like button underneath. This video. Right now yes it do me a favor.
I just slap that like button down dude. Im will completely smash it completely unlit and destroy and smash that like button that would be absolutely insane. Im sorry grass for what i did to you by the way lets see its gonna hit maybe eight likes for todays crazy awesome video.
I dunno eight legs is such a high and crazy like goal. But i do believe if every single one of you guys right now watching this video smash it and destroy sound like button. I do honestly believe you can easily hit this like goal so fast so easy nonetheless so go smash it crush it destroyed and lets see if you can get those eight like guys.
But anyways here we are on a crazy awesome minecraft pocket edition. World guys and today. Im gonna be showing you guys just like the title states how to basically time that time wow.
I widest a tame and ride guys tame and ride an ender dragon to my grab portion. I said time cuz like i kind of combined two words tame and ride cuz. I guess i was thinking of it actually said thats a big like um thats a big hike stu me guys thats a big poof okay so im sorry for that because im gonna show you guys how to tame and ride the entered rain here in minecraft pocket edition.
So guys the first thing you guys will need is gonna be linked underneath that like button in the description. Now it is an add on actually an easy add on you guys can put into any world or just put onto your game. And all that it is called the rideable ender dragon behavior pack thats right yeah.
This will allow you to be able to ride two ender dragon. Anyway you guys really want to so first things you guys will need after you guys actually apply it onto your world you know you guys have to applied into your world the two things you guys are gonna need are diamonds and a diamond sword. So basically all you guys need to do and survival you guys wont try to do this in survival is we find a diamond sword and all that so i already know simply find diamonds to get diamond source.
Were gonna go get both items and simply put them here. The next thing.

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We are gonna need is an ender dragon. Now the first thing you can really do is probably go to the um go to z you know and dimensions. You actually find like a legitimate ender dragon or we could summon him and hopefully well be able to ride them because you guys know tender.
And you summon him in the overworld well you guys will see so all you guys simply need to do to summon it under dragging the overworld is to do a command slash summon alright and for some reason that why isnt just working or attack okay flash summon alright and their underscore dragon. Just like this guys. And put it in the exact position that youre standing and what though wait what unknown command summon what wait theres a nice summon anymore wait what wait hold up why cant i why cant i slash summon him whats going on guys my cheats have yeah my teeth are on um.
I summon gone maybe oh guys do you guys see this what up what okay hold up guys. I think my world is just to weaken right now a match. Dont give me like three seconds to figure out what the flip is going on alright just to make sure.
This is the world. I created. What the heck is going on man okay of all of these should be fine.
I dont know whats going on maybe. Its a quick village that could be what it is i dont know guys like what i dont know okay. Its like summon fan you i saw it shouldve worked.
But maybe now will work maybe we just have to like reload the world so actually still not popping up hold up what is going on okay. Wait lets just create a completely brand new world. Without the add on on it and just see it just works real fast okay so creative.
It should have cheats on yadda yadda yadda yadda. Okay okay. I i pretty sure in flash.
Summon unless. Im completely wrong guys. What is going on okay there we go summon summon is there oh my gosh tender.
Underscore dragon and in that position there we go guys so yeah so you guys have your enter dragon. Which is gonna do its cang. But real fast got an exit to world fastest.
Maybe the au add on might actually get rid of that so were gonna apply the ad. Okay thats all i want this is the add on i want and were gonna ply the add on now and it should be able to you know we should be able to ride that ender dragon now so update okay guys okay okay there we go the ender dragon should be like a hero were back to the alt key and your dragon went out here guys guys ender dragon.

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Where are you going my man and her dragon. What no flipper you oh my gosh. He is actually just playing there we go no it wont let us ride him what the heck okay okay enter dragon just let me ride you let me ride you there we go guys.
We are riding the ender dragon in minecraft. What the heck do you guys see this oh. My gosh.
This is absolutely insane. Its good thing you know oh my god you actually picked up sugar canes of you buddy okay buddy okay okay i see all right so the items were gonna need to be able to control this guy. Its actually the diamond sword and some diamonds guys make sure you have those two items okay.
So i see you just gotta face the direction. You want him to go to with him. So if you see the diamond allows him to go a lot faster so this up and hopefully he gets back to the overworld okay buddy buddy buddy.
What are you okay we are having a lot of technical difficulties here but were almost there okay guys im sorry that hurt your eyes. I know i know 100 that hurt my eyes okay okay now can use a diamond sword and controls position. Now were seeing about it is when you guys do this it actually starts going backwards like in a weird position.
So just make sure youre looking whatever direction. You want to and ender granted be going that way back. I dont know why this is a pretty old add on its why maybe a lot of you guys might not approve it so yeah.
But dad we should increase your speed. But youre not gonna be able to control him anymore so just be wary of that so i guess now guys were just gonna um alright alright. I guess now okay okay okay were gonna get off this guy.
And were gonna try to control an ender dragon in the end that i mentioned so were gonna do slash allocate. We should work we should find where is it what is it called straw hold enter and its gonna be in that position right there. Its gonna be in two seven.
I wrote out wrong 275 for why should be whatever negative 350. Okay. Very oh thats our three oops.
Yeah. Were gonna do a tp and we should be somewhere here all right so in a village.

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Were in an acacia village. Actually oh. Ive actually not seen one of these before what the heck.
Ive actually never seen a village india. Kco biome. Its okay.
But thats not the point. Okay now weve gotta use giver so some under eyes all righty all righty and lets go down. And you know obviously you got dig straight down at our ability in order to find a stronghold.
I believe there we go just what we needed hello skeletons you guys are guarding the place right. Its okay. Im just here to find okay.
Wheres that gonna go hows it going up. Why is it going up maybe upwards maybe. Its upstairs.
More oh no no no it should be this way that should be here. And then just kidding. Why is it here.
Oh my blog looks in here. I just want see okay guys hold up give me like two seconds with that door the heck is this place our strongholds are really really uh flippin. Weird.
Honestly like they are really weird. I always have a hard time go through them. But you know what its fine.
Its fine. Were gonna look around a bit more i feel like its this way there it is guys. Thats so weird how it has like a hallway going this way.
Ive never seen one of these before okay. We think.

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Its probably of bugs. Were just gonna like there we go and were gonna break that and you guys know how do they turn on an ed portal bam bam bam. And you guys dont you guys are total minecraft newt but now youre not new because i just talked you guys out.
So lets just jump in shibam and uh lets lets look for the center dragon. Now shall we okay okay all right all right all right you know the trick to this this is yes. This can be done survival too because theres a small trick you guys are supposed to do oh going down here.
And we just gotta wait for mr. Ender dragon to come down here. And we just gotta ride him.
And you know or her employer girl actually dont know let me know the con section in know the answer to that but yeah. Seven survival you guys need to simply wait for the undergraduates come around then do you know his normal his normal go around and you know i dont know why he just slides around for a bit until he gets to the middle for some reason to get healed or something i dont i think thats what happens i dont know but we just simply gotta wait for this little guy to go down come on hurry up dude hurry up it would be nice of you would like hurry up a little bit come on man and her dragon. If you could just like get to the bottom.
What is taking this man. So freaking long like he is actually taking his sweet time hello it are dragon okay okay okay there we go there we go hes going down hes going down gotta make it to him come on come on buddy tracy. What are you doing and her dragon.
Okay now hes coming here. Now. Hes coming here.
And when he comes here to do his you know sing you just ride him and now he can take him literally. Wherever you want and i dont know why hes a lot faster in the end. But uh yes you guys see this hes so much faster.
What is going on okay yeah. So thats how you guys ride the ender dragon. Whether your end or your in wherever really i dont know like this easy way.
But this is a way to do in survival yes. Really if mona find getting her dragon. No simply just find him get ride him really isnt that difficult i guess so yeah so like i said everything you guys will need will be linked underneath that like button so when you guys are done leaving a like on this video you guys can you know you guys to download it check it out and also you know if youre brand new you dont like what you see today you guys can also subscribe and when you guys are subscribed you guys those notifications just to be notified for whatever a brand new video.
We dont know did that be great on the ender dragons still out here doing this thing. I dont know man. But yeah so i guess thats gonna be it for todays video guys so thank you guys so much for watching hopefully.
I did enjoy well see you guys later and music. .

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How to Ride a Dragon in Minecraft Pocket Edition


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