Richard Garriott Headed for Space


Ultima Godhead and Origin founder Richard Garriott is set to become the first "second-generation astronaut," with plans for a trip to the External Space Place in October 2008.

The "commercially active" mission is intended to be the first in a series of commercial activity onboard the ISS, which will include search and educational programs. Garriott's trip is being set up together past Place Adventures Ltd., which bills itself as "the world's leading space experiences company."

Eric Philip Warren Anderson, Space Adventure Chief operating officer, aforementioned, "It has always been Infinite Adventures' goal to open the space frontier. Now, with Richard's flight, we have designed a serial publication of missions dedicated to increased commercial message involvement in manned blank space missions." The company was responsible for organizing the mission of the first toffee-nosed astronaut in 2001 when it sent Dennis Josip Broz to the ISS aboard a Soyuz capsule for a reported $20 million payment.

"It is my goal to consecrate a of import amount of my time aboard the space platform to science, engineering and educational products," Garriott said. "I understand the necessity for conducting explore in extreme environments whether it is collecting microorganisms from unsounded sea hydrothermal vents to carry out experiments in the continuous microgravity of Earth orbit. We need to be adventurous in psyche and stimulate our intellects to answer today's most discouraging scientific questions and to invent tomorrow's technological marvels."

Garriott's Padre and Origination co-collapse Owen was himself a NASA astronaut who served happening missions aboard Skylab and Spacelab. "Because of my life history, it was almost natural for Richard to be interested in blank space and geographic expedition. I am so pleased that he is healthy to embrace this himself and that he is dedicating his escape to search. I am very proud of him," he same.


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