Copying information from a Windows PC to Linux---or in the other management---can seem intimidating at starting time. Afterwards all, information technology's something that seems like information technology should be uncomplicated, merely turns out to be difficult.

In truth, sharing files from Windows to Linux is piece of cake, but only if yous know how to do it. Ready to find out? Here's everything you need to know about how to transfer files from Windows to Linux and back again.

4 Ways to Transfer Files From Windows to Linux

If you want to motility data between Windows and Linux operating systems, it's easier than you think. We've compiled four ways for you to do this:

  1. Securely copy files via SSH
  2. Windows to Linux file transfer with FTP
  3. Share data using sync software
  4. Utilise shared folders in your Linux virtual machine

With each of these methods you lot'll be able to easily (and in some cases, effortlessly) move files between operating systems.

Let'southward await at them in plow and detect out which one suits you best.

i. Copy Files Between Windows and Linux via SSH

With SSH enabled on your Linux device, you tin send data via the command line from one computer to another. For this to work, however, y'all will need to set upwards an SSH server on your Linux machine.

Kickoff past opening a terminal and updating and upgrading the Os.

          sudo apt update        

One time complete, install the SSH server. The OpenSSH server is a adept choice.

          sudo apt install openssh-server        

Await while information technology installs. To check at whatever fourth dimension if the OpenSSH server is running, use

          sudo service ssh status        

To transfer data from Windows, apply an SSH client like PuTTY. This needs the PSCP (secure copy customer) tool downloading to your Windows organisation to run aslope PuTTY. Detect both on the PuTTY homepage.

Note that while PuTTY will need installing, PSCP won't. Instead, salve the downloaded pscp.exe file in the root of the Windows C:\ drive or else set up up as an environment variable. You'll also demand to ostend the IP address of the Linux device. Check in the Linux terminal with

          hostname -I        

With a connection established, yous can transfer a file from Windows to Linux like this:

          c:\pscp c:
ome\path\to\a\file.txt user@remoteIP:\domicile\user

You'll be prompted for your password for the Linux computer before the transfer commences.

Want to copy data from Linux to Windows in the aforementioned SSH session? This control will download the specified file to the current directory:

          c:\pscp user@remoteIP:\dwelling house\user
ome\file.txt .

Note the lone period at the end---include this or the transfer volition not work.

2. How to Transfer Files From Linux to Windows Using FTP

A file transfer protocol (FTP) awarding with SSH support tin also be used. Transferring files via SFTP in a mouse driven user interface is arguably easier than relying on typed commands.

Again, an SSH server must be running on the Linux machine before you lot outset. You should besides ensure you accept installed an FTP app on Windows similar FileZilla, which has SFTP support.

To use this method, run FileZilla, then:

  1. Open File > Site Manager
  2. Create a New Site
  3. Set the Protocol to SFTP
  4. Add the target IP address in Host
  5. Specify a username and password
  6. Set the Logon Type to Normal
  7. Click Connect when gear up
Share files between Linux and Windows using FTP

Yous can then employ the FTP app to movement files from Windows to Linux and back using elevate and drop.

Another pick you should consider is a file syncing program. These are typically cantankerous-platform and use an encrypted key to manage the connection between devices.

All you need to do is install the app, nominate a sync folder, then create the central. Set this upwardly on the second PC and your information will then sync. Two good options are bachelor for this:

  1. Resilio Sync: formerly known as BitTorrent Sync, Resilio is bachelor on almost any platform y'all tin call back of. In that location is a paid version, only the free option is plenty for syncing two devices
  2. SyncThing: for Linux, Windows, macOS, and Android, this Resilio Sync alternative offers a similar feature without the paid component

iv. How to Transfer Files from Windows to a Linux Virtual Machine

Instead of running a split PC, it'southward common to run Linux or Windows in a virtual car (VM). But is there are way to transfer files betwixt Windows and Linux when one is installed in a VM?

Fortunately, yes. With VirtualBox you lot tin create a virtual shared directory for data syncing.

If you're running Windows in a VM on Linux (or vice versa), VirtualBox is already gear up for sharing. Ensure you have the Guest Additions installed on your virtual car before proceeding.

In the VirtualBox director, select the VM, then:

  1. Cull Start > Headless Start (or with the VM running, Devices > Shared Folders)
    Enable a headless start for your VM
  2. Once running, correct-click the VM and select Settings > Shared Folders
  3. Select Machine Folders
  4. Click the + symbol on the right (or correct-click and select Add together Shared Binder)
  5. Browse the Binder Path and find the directory you desire to employ
  6. Set a proper noun (if necessary) then OK
    Share files between Windows and Linux in a virtual machine
  7. Utilize the Auto-mount checkbox to ensure the share is available whenever the VM runs
  8. Click OK again to ostend and go out

When you lot reboot the VM, the share volition be gear up to swap information between the host PC and guest operating system.

There is another option for sharing files between Windows and Linux PCs. However, creating a shared file on ane or both systems and and then accessing it across a network is unreliable at all-time.

Sharing Files Between Windows and Linux Is Easy

Whether you're new to Linux, or you find Windows unfamiliar, sharing data between them is easier than you think.

We've looked at several methods. Nosotros'd recommend you lot try all of them and work out which one you're most comfortable with.

If you're syncing data to Linux, in that location's a expert chance you're switching from Windows. Don't worry – it'due south easier than you recollect.

Switch from Windows to Linux and Become Up and Running in Minutes

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