How to Upload From Sd Card to Google Drive

Wondershare Recoverit Authors

Q: How to backup the SD bill of fare to google bulldoze?

"I accept been using SD card every bit storage for many of my memories, merely I'm striving to know the methods for making a backup of my videos and photos considering the storage I'grand worried about the fragility of the SD card. I wish to store all my data at google drive and so that it is always rubber. I tin can even go through multiple methods and find out which suits me the best. Moreover, I want to know other features of google drive that are not however disclosed to me. The data files on my SD card are too useable for my academic and professional person work.

Millions of people use SD cards but all of them are afraid to lose the information considering the tiny storage device tin can leave their side any time. However, few right methods tin help you lot secure the information by making the backup of the SD card to google drive. In this guide, you volition have multiple facile solutions related to your situation. As per your requirement, y'all volition also be given some of the distinctive benefits of google drive. Make sure you follow the guide till the end to properly support information on the SD card to google drive.

  • Part ane: Why you lot need to back up the SD menu to google drive?
  • Part 2: What y'all demand earlier backing up the SD carte du jour in google bulldoze?
  • Part 3: How to backup SD card to google drive from android?
  • Part 4: How to fill-in SD carte du jour to google drive from PC?
  • Part v: How to sync SD carte to google drive with software?

Part 1: Why you need to back up the SD card to google drive?

You have a particular reason that you want to secure your data that is why you need to back up the SD card to google drive. These are some of the common reasons behind information technology;

  1. It surely saves you a lot of costs. If your backup SD bill of fare to google bulldoze, you are never required to buy another hard bulldoze to save your data. As hard drives get stuffed quite often. The all-time matter to do is to use the google drive to save your cost and endeavour.
  2. Storage space is quite valuable these days. fifteen Gb of free storage is a blessing from the google drive. You lot can use this storage to backup multiple types of data files.
  3. The majority of the people utilize google drive to secure their data. People adopt an efficient fill-in strategy and secure their information in instance something goes wrong with their hard drive, USB, SD card, or any other storage device.
  4. The well-nigh user-friendly thing most google drive is that it is easy to access. You can access it wherever you want. All you lot demand to have is a adept cyberspace connection and the credentials of your google drive account.

Part ii: What yous need earlier bankroll up the SD card in google bulldoze?

Well, you are aware of the utilities that google drive allows yous to cherish. Information technology is time for you to know near the things y'all need to do earlier backing upward the SD card in google bulldoze. In this guide, you will be given aspects of bankroll up the SD menu to google drive. The various methods below will permit y'all to backup SD card from Android telephone and reckoner. Make sure you perform these tasks earlier jumping to whatsoever of the given methods;

  1. First of all, yous need to create your google business relationship by going to the website of google sign in.
  2. Once you have fabricated your business relationship, you can download the google drive app on your PC or Android phone.

Part iii: How to fill-in SD card to google drive from android?

Coming to the cadre section of our whole guide. Allow's beginning from the backup of the SD card to google bulldoze from an android phone. Withal, there are two different methods to conduct this task, make sure y'all follow both of them;

Method 1: How to upload photos to google bulldoze using photo gallery

In this first method, you volition utilize a photograph gallery to upload your photos to google bulldoze. These are the detail steps to do and so;

Step i: On your android phone, open up the photo gallery. Select the photos you wish to backup on google drive. Choose the "Send" button or "carte" button on your screen and select "Google drive". Moreover, you can besides choose the unabridged folder to upload to google drive.

Step 2: Just click "Ok" to upload your selected photos to google bulldoze.

Method 2: How to upload multiple files to google drive from android with the google drive app

In this method, you volition utilize the google drive app to properly backup multiple files to google bulldoze from an android phone. Yous tin can utilize the google drive app to upload multiple types of data. Just follow the quick steps to do and so;

Step 1: Connect your android phone to an net connection.

Step 2: Open your account on the downloaded google drive app.

Step iii: On this app, you need to click the "Blood-red plus icon" on your screen and choose upload.


Footstep 4: In this step, click "Open up from" to select the files and folders to fill-in and also the path and so click "Done". The google drive will automatically backup these files afterwards that.


Part 4: How to backup SD carte to google drive from PC?

Y'all are already aware of bankroll up the SD bill of fare to google drive from android. Now, you will learn to practice it on the figurer. Follow the steps to effortlessly perform the task. There are multiple methods to do and then;

Method 1: Using google drive folder?

Utilise these steps to fill-in data on the SD bill of fare using the google drive folder;

Pace 1: Beginning of all, connect your SD card or Android phone to the computer.

Step 2: Cull the option "Google fill-in and sync" on your PC. This volition open the google drive folder.

Step 3: The folder which has the data files that you want to upload, y'all need to double click it. Them, "Control C" to all the data that yous desire to backup and so paste the information on google drive folder.


Method 2: Using google backup and sync

Utilise these steps to use google backup and sync to perform your desire job;

Step 1: Choose the option "Google backup and sync" on the taskbar. Select the settings pick and choose preferences.

Step ii: Click the selection "USB drives and SD card" nether the "My computer" tab. Choose "OK" to reveal the final results.


Step 3: Once the data is successfully uploaded, you can witness information technology under my reckoner tab in the web version. Withal, this method has deficiencies as sometimes the SD carte du jour may not be recognized by google back up and sync.


Role 5: How to sync SD bill of fare to google drive with software?

You take utilized all the beneficial methods for your situation. Yet, this method is ane of the most useful to your scenario. In this method you will sync the SD card to google drive with the finest third-political party software;

AOMEI Backupper

This software is known for its diversity, it can perform any job related to backup, synchronization, and multiple other entities. Information technology likewise contains all features of the Standard Edition, provides consummate and reliable PC backup and restore strategies for whatever of the windows version. Arrangement Clone, Backup Scheme, Dynamic Disk Backup, Dissimilar Hardware Restore, Merge Images, etc. and many other diverse and useful features are available. Information technology supports schedule sync, email notifications, and many other features too. The software is compatible with almost every operating organization. You tin can surely use this software to sync the SD bill of fare to google bulldoze, follow the steps to use the software;

Step 1: Utilize the carte reader to connect your SD card to the reckoner or you can use the cable to connect your android phone.

Step two: Download and install astonishing AOMEI Backupper.

Footstep 3: You need to click "Backup" and "File sync" after.


Step 4: You can utilize the add together folder push button to select the files/folders to backup.


Stride 5: cull the drop-downward menu and select the cloud drive. Make sure to cull google drive and click "commencement sync".


Step six: In the next window, y'all demand to cull "Google bulldoze" over again and printing the choice of "Start sync" and you are washed here.



The people who make up one's mind bankroll upwards the SD card to google drive is very productive. Even so, you need to follow certain methods to properly perform the job. Using AOMEI Backupper is essential for pleasant results.


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